Summer BBQ
Last summer Valerie Caprigno organized a wonderful community barbecue. We are looking forward to organizing another BBQ in the courtyard this summer, July or August, date and rain date to be determined! If you have any specific requests for dates, please contact Jamie Hinman (see side) and she will compile a list of dates that work around plans of interested parties! First floor neighbors, as you are the only ones lawfully allowed barbecues, please let us know if you are willing to loan your grill for the event!
Core Group
In each issue we'll profile another member of the core group of volunteers who organize and manage various aspects of the condominium.
Kris Taborn
A RL resident since November 2008 (unit 312), a scientist, a NJ native, and can be seen at all hours of the day and night walking her 2 dogs (Trouble and Molly). Her favorite shows are Breaking Bad, House, and Ladette to Lady; and she is an avid amateur photographer—mostly portraits of her dogs and cats, as humans are less patient subjects.Friendly Reminders
Parking spots: Cars only
According to communications with the developer, Mark Coppola, there is a project underway to waterproof the garage.With this in mind, please remember to only have your car in parking spots. Storage of other items is currently against condo docs and does technically constitute a fineable offense.
Outside common areas not for storage
Also, as the weather warms up and we all start spending more time outside, please be considerate of our community and do not chain bicycles to the railings or leave other items—such as baby strollers—on unsold porches. We are hoping to fill our community with new residents soon! Having the courtyards presentable can only help encourage prospective community members!
Garbage Removal
Recycling is available in the room marked for recycling at the bottom fo the ramp to the garage. Please break-down cardboard boxes and place them in bins. Do not leave items outside the garbage bins, as they will not be removed.For over-sized items, please contact Curtis (see side) who should then make the necessary arrangements. The fee for removing an over-sized item is $25.