The question of whom to vote for when electing a trustee is an important one to consider. You want somebody who is able to protect the investment that you've made in your home. Different owners and different candidates may have different views in how to do this, so you may want to compare the candidates, their history, and their opinions when deciding whom to elect. Here are some questions which you might want to consider when reaching your decision.
What is the candidate's history?
Has the candidate been an active member of the community? If the candidate is aware of the issues affecting the community and has been working to address them as a volunteer member of the community, it is likely that the candidate will continue with the same drive once elected.
Will the candidate represent and protect your interests?
Is the candidate a resident, or an absentee landlord? A trustee who lives with you on the property will experience the same conditions and issues that you do. They are more likely to be responsive to issues as they arise as they are more directly affected. Because resident trustees are more likely to notice and respond to issues before an absentee landlord, issues will tend to be addressed more quickly and the value of your investment will be better protected than if a major issue were to go unaddressed.
If elected, would the candidate be responsive and encourage transparency?
Would the trustee respond to issues raised by members of the condominium, and would they strive to keep the other owners informed? It is important that a board of trustees be willing to communicate its actions to the community at large so that owners can feel safe that their investments--and homes--are protected.