Matthew Wronka (#306) has been a member of the core group since it's inception.  He has attempted to make the Reservoir Lofts as transparent as possible by increasing the channels by which information is available to residents.  To this end, he created and edits the community newsletter.

Matthew also manages the technological infrastructure surrounding the condominium, such as the mailing lists and wiki (with Mike Schroll), and created the website.

Matthew lists as his qualifications:

I have been an active member of the Reservoir Lofts since its inception.  Throughout this time, I have been active in the community meetings, helping organize and plan our nascent community and its proximate transition.Working with other volunteers in the community, and with feedback from other residents, I have worked to increase communication both between the "core group" and the larger community, and within the larger community itself.  To this end, I created and edit the community newsletter and web site, and also help manage the community wiki and mailing lists.  I see these avenues for communication as a foundation upon which we can build a responsive and transparent governing body.

Matthew lists as his reasons for wanting to be a Trustee:

As we continue our transition from the initial board to a self-run condominium, there's a lot going on and a lot that needs to be done, and it makes sense for those who have already been actively involved with the condominium and the planning for this transition to continue as the elected board of trustees. Moreover, as one of the first residents to move into the complex, I've experienced first hand the frustration caused by a non-communicative and non-responsive management organization .  I want to ensure that the Reservoir Lofts establish an expectation for transparency and communicativeness.  This transition is a vital one for our condominium, which will set policies and expectations that will persist through future boards.

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